Today we have launched our crowd funding campaign “Help Rescue an Elephant in Cambodia”. Together we can raise the funds necessary to buy a male elephant before a tour company in Siem Reap buys him to be used for elephant rides at Angkor Wat.
Here is the link Rescue an Elephant in Cambodia
The campaign includes a beautiful video that truly captures the necessity and positive impact of buying this male elephant
The campaign also highlights that Asian elephants are now an endangered species, and that elephant rides have many serious impacts on elephant health.
Together, we can make sure that Chitoeun, the male elephant we want to rescue, will experience a happy life living in the Mondulkiri Project elephant sanctuary away from tourist rides.
The key to Chitoeun’s new life and to the success of a crowd funding campaign is for each of us to do our part. Please donate what you can and share the campaign far a wide. The more people it reaches, the closer we get to be able to rescue this special elephant. Every dollar counts
Thank you