Mr Tree recently saved an Asian Palm Civet (Paradoxurus hermaphrodites) that had been caught in a snare at the Mondulkiri Project.
Comvine, one very clever elephant, walked Mr Tree to where the Civet was trapped.
These Civets are omnivores. They weigh 2-5kg. They love eating fruits such as berries. They help to maintain tropical forest ecosystems via seed dispersal.
In 2008, the IUCN classified the species as Least Concern as it is tolerant of a broad range of habitats. It is widely distributed with large populations that in 2008 were thought unlikely to be declining. Things have changed.
Palm Civet faeces is used to make Kopi Luwak, the world’s most expensive coffee. The recent increase in capturing the animals for Kopi Luwak production may constitute a significant threat to wild Civet numbers.